Focus On Flitwick
Your independent voice on Central Bedfordshire Council
Brought to you by the Independent Councillor for Flitwick and Steppingley, Gareth Mackey
Want regular updates from Gareth and how he is helping Flitwick and Steppingley Residents?
Why vote Independent for Flitwick on 4th May 2023
For too long councillor's political allegiances have resulted in Flitwick and Steppingley residents getting a raw deal on what really matters to them; such as over-development at the expense of local infrastructure, maintaining our roads, support for local small businesses and a visible police presence to help reduce anti-social behaviour and crime.
Independent councillors have no political allegiance. So they can vote on what is best for their Flitwick and Steppingley constituents.
This election presents the best opportunity in decades for real change at CBC. Independents have a strong likelihood to be in a position to either form an Administration or influence the political direction of the Council.
To do this we need YOUR vote in the CBC elections on the 4th May 2023.
"Change must come. More of the same is no longer a choice you can afford to take. Independents are answerable to you and only you. Independents work for you all year round, not just elections!"
Cllr Gareth Mackey
Independent candidates for Flitwick Ward
Councillor Gareth Mackey
Heather Townsend
There is an election on 4th May 2023. You will have the opportunity to vote for at least two Independent candidates to represent you on Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC).
Over the last four years, I have had the honour of representing Flitwick and Steppingley. I will be seeking your vote again at the next election.
I am pleased to be joined by my colleague, Heather Townsend, one of my moderators of 'Focus on Flitwick'. Read more about Heather later on this website.
This election presents the best opportunity in decades for real change at CBC. Independents have a strong likelihood to be in a position to either form an Administration or influence the political direction of the Council. To do this we need YOUR vote in the CBC elections on the 4th May 2023.
Gareth Mackey's record as a CBC Councillor
4 years ago I promised I would work hard for Flitwick and Steppingley residents every day. I believed that to get the representation you deserved I needed to change the way you were represented by being visible and present; both in person, via the phone and also online. This is why I set up the Focus on Flitwick Facebook group. It's enabled me to listen and communicate regularly with more residents on the issues that matter more than my predecessors. I couldn't have done everything I have achieved for Flitwick without your help and support. But you need to judge me by my actions. Over the last 4 years I have done (amongst others):
Supported residents fighting inappropriate developments
Fought for businesses to receive their fair share of Covid Grant Funding
Helped residents appeal decisions denying them Support Grants
Worked to ensure Flitwick and Steppingley get a fair deal to fix and improve our roads
Fought to try to save Link-A-Ride community transport
Allied with disabled residents to help influence Highways decision in Flitwick
Scrutiny of the PCC on the Police and Crime panel
Fought for Police action for victims of crime and commercial vehicle crime
Supported grant funding for good causes and local supports clubs and youth organisations
Helped set up the 'Ampthill and Flitwick Lifeline' to support those vulnerable to Covid
Run a campaign for better free school meals
Supported residents with dozens of individual pieces of casework
Heather Townsend: A new candidate but a familiar face
Heather Townsend
Heather Townsend is passionate about Flitwick having moved here in 2002 to start her married life. She is the award-winning author of 6 books including The Financial Times Guide To Business Networking and runs a small business which directly employs over 16 people.
As a lover of the great outdoors, she can often be found walking or cycling around Flitwick in the company of her husband and 2 teenagers. As a local Independent councillor, she will work tirelessly to tackle local issues and stand up for what matters most to local residents. This means:
Guarding against the over-development of our town and ensuring that development goes in the right places, not our precious green belt land
Putting the needs of local residents first rather than political allegiances
Getting better infrastructure for Flitwick
Independent and proper scrutiny of CBC
Fairer funding for Flitwick generally
Helping local businesses thrive
"I am honoured to endorse Heather. I think she will make an outstanding councillor and I am sure working with her we will get a better deal for ALL residents of Flitwick and Steppingley"
Cllr Gareth Mackey
Support Gareth and Heather's campaign
Here are the ways you can help Gareth and Heather's campaign to get a better deal for Flitwick and Steppingley:
Display in your window that you are supporting Gareth and Heather. Download a poster here
Post on social media why you are voting for Gareth and Heather in the 4th May 2023 local council elections
Join Focus On Flitwick and post in the group why you are supporting Gareth and Heather
Sign up for regular updates from Gareth to hear about what he is doing to help Flitwick and Steppingley residents
Offer to help post leaflets in the run-up to the election. Click here to get in contact with Gareth
Independent Budget Proposals: How we will put money in your pocket
On 23rd February 2023, the Independent Councillors put forward amendments to the CBC budget for 2023/24.
These amendments would have seen an Independent Administration cut council tax by 1%.
We proposed to make around £6 million in savings from reduced Councillor allowances, departmental efficiencies, reducing eye-watering borrowing and prudent economic management to pay for improvements in fixing potholes, improving roads, catching fly-tippers and most importantly reducing the tax burden on residents during tough times.
"Flitwick residents have been hard done by when it comes to how CBC spends its money. Our residents deserve proper financial prudence. I am committed to fighting this election with integrity about the issues that matter to flitwick residents."
Heather Townsend
If you want to see real change at CBC and your needs put above political allegiances, then vote for your Independent Candidates Gareth Mackey and Heather Townsend at the council elections on 4th May 2023
Be ready for voter ID
The government has introduced a compulsory photo ID if you vote on 4th May (it does not affect postal voters). You will need an approved ID such as a driving licence, passport, concessionary travel card (older person's bus pass, disabled person's bus pass, Oyster 60+ card), PASS card, Blue Badge, and many more.
If you don't have an ID you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. To get this you can apply on the Electoral Commission website. If you are struggling, please get in touch with me. It's important that you don't give up your right to vote.
Need help getting to vote on the 4th May 2023?
Get in touch with me - click here
I will make sure you can use your constitutional right to vote regardless of your personal circumstances
Want regular updates from Gareth and how he is helping Flitwick and Steppingley Residents?
By and on behalf of:
Gareth Mackey - 46 Falcon Crescent, Flitwick MK45 1LZ
Tel: 07921 923 013
Heather Townsend - 28, St Albans Close, Flitwick MK45 1UA